Can You Bake a Pre-made Graham Cracker Crust | 5 Easy Tips! 

Can You Bake a Pre-made Graham Cracker Crust | 5 Easy Tips!

Can You Bake a Pre-made Graham Cracker Crust? | 5 Easy Tips! 

Pre-made graham cracker crust is ideal for all types of pies and cheesecakes! Here are some tips on how to best utilize it to enjoy a quick, easy and satisfying dessert. 

What is a Pre-made Graham Cracker Pie Crust? 

A premade graham cracker crust can be found at the grocery store. It is made of simple ingredients and usually sold on a tin/foil pie plate. It is typically made of: 

  • Graham cracker crumbs –full sheets of graham crackers crushed to fine crumbs; can also buy a box of pre-ground graham crackers 
  • Unsalted butter melted 
  • A little sugar –can be brown sugar or regular granulated sugar depending on the filling 

Graham Cracker Crumbs, melted butter, little sugar,; crumb crust; crumb mixture.The graham crackers are crushed in a food processor or by hand with a rolling pin or the flat side of a meat tenderizer, then mixed with the sugar and melted butter. Once incorporated (has the look of wet sand), the crumb crust is pressed into a pie pan with a glass or a flat-bottomed measuring cup until even. Lastly, the whole pie crust is typically baked at about 350 degrees Fahrenheit until it achieves a golden color for a little crunch. To make your own crumb mixture, check out this easy graham cracker crust recipe. 

Using a pre-made graham cracker crust is a convenient and time-saving option for making delicious desserts. Simply add filling then bake pie based on the recipe. They are perfect for a variety of pie recipes, whether you’re preparing a classic creamy cheesecake, a silky chocolate pie, or a tart key lime pie. It skips a step without sacrificing flavor or quality. 

Can You Bake a Pre-made Graham Cracker Crust? 

The simple answer is yes, you can bake a pre-made graham cracker crust! Store-bought graham cracker crust is made for conveniency while maintaining quality. It allows you to focus on preparing the delicious cheesecake or pie filling for your next gathering. Unlike an unbaked pie shell, you can choose to prebake, bake, or not at all. It is completely adaptable to your recipe. Perfect to bake desserts in a pinch. 

Considerations and Tips When Using Pre-Made Graham Cracker Crust. 

Bake or No-Bake Filling.

If you have a no bake filling, you can either bake your pre-made crust for extra crispiness, or simply skip baking all-together. It is not at all necessary to prebake the crust for a no-bake recipe! If you do choose to pre-bake, allow it to cool down to room temperature before adding filling to prevent sogginess. Otherwise, simply fill and refrigerate for firming. 

Amount of Filling.

Regardless of the recipe, the filling for the pie must be even to ensure uniform baking. Additionally, the pie crust should not be overfilled as this will create a messy result. Spread your filling evenly then bake cheesecake or pie.  

There are recipes meant for deep-dish crust or a 9” springform pan, which might be too much filling for a regular premade graham cracker crust. If that is the case, use two crusts for double dessert, or save the rest to make brownies, cakes, or pastry fillings. Here are some great ideas on what to do with those leftovers! 

Protect the Edges | Avoid Overbaking. 

Temperature and duration of cooking have different effects on pie crusts, especially storebought crusts as they can be thinner than homemade ones. Cheesecakes usually take longer than pies to bake but pies can be baked at much higher temperatures. Either way, it is important to keep an eye on your dessert while baking. If the crust begins to brown, cover it with a pie shield (or foil) to protect the edges and prevent burning while baking. 

Along these lines, if you are planning on prebaking the pie crust, consider the recipe for your filling first. If the temperature for baking is above 375 degrees Fahrenheit or it will be baked for over an hour, prebaking might not be necessary. After baking your dessert, be sure to allow it to cool down completely before moving it to the fridge to prevent breakage and sogginess. Giving it enough time in the fridge will help it firm and allow the flavors to blend beautifully as well. 

Crust Quality. 

There are several options to choose from at the grocery store when it comes to pre-made graham cracker crust. Having tried different ones (and this is not just my experience), it has become evident that the most reliable (and affordable) is Keebler’s Graham Ready Crust (I am not getting any compensation for this review). The reason being that Keebler’s is sturdy as it does not break easy and withstands most temperatures. Most importantly, its flavor is rich and balanced. 


There are many ways to spruce up store-bought crusts. If you are making a no-bake chocolate pie, for example, you can layer the crust with melted chocolate for extra flavor and crunchiness.  Also, for savory or sweet desserts, you can add spices such as ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, or even espresso powder! Let your heart lead the way. 😉  

Feel free to play with the recipes to add depth in flavor and make it a unique dessert, beloved in family gatherings and by your guests. At the end of the day, the best part of cooking is sharing those dishes while enjoying each other’s company! Go for it. 

 I hope these pre-made graham cracker crust tips are helpful on your pie/cheesecake-making adventure! If you want to try your hand at a delicious, creamy and tropical cheesecake, be sure to check out this tasty 4-Step Guava Cheesecake recipe. For a super easy yet decadent cheesecake, you will love this Mexican Cheesecake recipe. Both cheesecake recipes will be a showstopper at your next get-together. 

As always, ¡buen provecho from The Happy Wookiee! 

Can You Bake a Pre-made Graham Cracker Crust | 5 Easy Tips!