About Me, The Happy Wookiee in 3 Minutes!
Welcome to The Happy Wookiee! My name is Laura and, I am a Life Coach, wife and mom. As a stay-at-home mom, I love to simplify everyday tasks such as cooking and organizing, in order to have quality time with my family. With the rush of work, and keeping up with the kiddos and the house, it can be so difficult to set time aside for the things you enjoy most. Sometimes that results in sacrificing self-care or not getting to do things that spark joy in your life. The goal should be the contrary. Yes, taking care of family and the home is important but that cannot be done without taking care of myself first.
A little about me…
As I transitioned from being a working mom to staying at home full-time, I realized it was not as easy as some people made it out to be. Yes, spending time with my little one and being present for all the milestones was a huge win! However, it was isolating and came with immense dread. To top it off, the overwhelming sense of everything that needed to be done in the house (while raising a fully-functioning, emotionally mature kiddo) blindsided me completely.
I slowly began reading and experimenting with different processes to find what works best for me and my family. I found joy in the kitchen again, and in sharing recipes from my home (Puerto Rico) in the simplest way I could find. That way you can make those recipes for your family, too! I also found joy in decluttering and minimizing the crazy as much as possible. My hope is to share what I have learned with you so that you do not have to struggle like I did.
I realized that a healthy mind, body and spirit is capable of so much more than the opposite. A sharp mind can act and react accordingly, while a content spirit is able to enjoy and cherish the moment, and a healthy body can keep up with anything thrown at it!
Yes, it is easier said than done and it is not perfect or foolproof. Oh, and as much as it might sound like something pulled out of a mental health article, it is absolutely true. I had to find ways to prioritize my health as a whole in order to process my surroundings clearly and live to the fullest with the ones I love. Making time to exercise, starting to read for fun again, and staying in touch with my friends and extended family made a huge difference for me.
Making routine a priority was a game-changer. I was able to get in a rhythm and have even found ways to include my little one in everyday activities. Not only does our bond grow stronger but there is also so much learning taking place! At first, everything seemed complicated and unattainable, (like cooking a full meal without getting overstimulated and losing my mind.) Nonetheless, I found that there are ways to get things done without burning yourself out and still have time to do you, and spend time with your family. Hopefully, sharing some of my experiences and recipes with you is helpful, and you can incorporate/adapt some of them to your routine as you see fit.
Remember to subscribe to receive updates on the latest recipes and organizational tips directly in your inbox! Also, feel free to comment and post pictures of the recipes you tried, and if you made any changes. I love to hear how each person makes a dish their own. 🙂
Laura, The Happy Wookiee.