A little about me…
Hi! My name is Laura, and if you are reading this, house work is driving you crazy. Well… search no more! I have some tips that will hopefully help you stay organized and not lose your mind whenever you are home, especially if you spend the majority of your time there. This is my take on how to keep your house clean in three (3) steps.
Whether you work at home (remotely or as a mom) or in an office, home is the place you want to be your sanctuary. Where you can decompress after a long day, have friends over or simply have the best simple moments with your family. If you keep running into a wall every time you walk home to a mess, or get frustrated in the mornings when you go make coffee and there are dishes in the sink, there are simple steps to put in place to turn your home into a more peaceful environment.
Something to keep in mind when practicing these steps at first is that it will take some time to get to that sweet spot. I spent some time decluttering areas and rooms and that is how I found a solution that worked in order for me to keep the house clean. These steps might be a way to start decluttering at first but ultimately, the goal is for you to find a rhythm that will help you maintain the house rather than having to clean mounds of clutter every time. You know… keep the bliss longer!
How do I do it?
First rule

Rule number one is to do one load of laundry every day. It sounds a little crazy but I have found it keeps the hampers empty and my dresser drawers full. It is not overwhelming as laundry day would be with constant washing and folding, and ultimately giving up at the second load. I try to do this Monday thru Friday so I do not have laundry to do during the weekend. Obviously, the loads during the first week were bigger and took longer to put away but by week two, it was already life-changing. I usually split it into colors, blacks, whites, kid clothes, and then miscellaneous items such as bath towels, linens, kitchen and dining items, curtains, etc. The items and order in which they are washed are entirely up to you as long as you commit to putting everything away the same day, the moment it leaves the dryer. Sounded crazy at first but it works! No more laundry sitting in the bed or a random bench for days (or weeks, eek.)
A little tip… if you are frustrated with the way clothes are fitting (or not) in your drawers, I highly recommend Marie Kondo’s folding method. Obviously, I took some time to purge because it was clear I was not using half of my clothes and it had nothing to do with the changing seasons. Oops! I decided to donate a bunch and keep only the items that sparked joy. Then, I implemented the Konmari method for folding clothes and now I LOVE opening my dresser drawers in the morning because it looks so pretty and I can actually see at first glance what I have. Try it out!
Second rule

Rule number two on how to keep your house clean is spend twenty to thirty minutes each day on a different part of the house. Alternatively, split the most important areas of your house and assign them to a day in which you are almost certain you will be able to tackle it consistently every week. For example, I spend about an hour on my bedroom and bathroom on Mondays because I know I have that time. The rest of the week I hit the common areas and tackle small projects throughout. It also gives me time to get some work done. This will take some testing but it will not be long before you find the best pattern for you and your family.
Third rule

The last rule is probably the most important one because it is a room you cannot avoid: the kitchen. Rule number three is the kitchen has to be cleaned every day, no matter what. The way I do it is I clean immediately after every meal while kiddo eats. I make breakfast, then unload the dishwasher from the night before, and put the new dishes there. I handwash all my pots and pans, then clean the counters. Same for lunch. Sometimes I will set my crockpot dinner during lunch, and save myself a lot of cleanup during the evening but it depends on the day. After dinner, usually my husband and I will clean the kitchen together to speed things up or one of us will be on kid-duty while the other one cleans. This includes dishes, dining table, counter and stove. This rule is a game-changer because the kitchen is one of my first stops in the morning. Best to start fresh!
It’s not perfect.
Please know that none of this means my house is tidy 24/7 or that there are no messes ever because that is not the case. In fact, there are still corners in the house I am slowly getting to and decluttering. However, sticking to these rules has made our lives much easier when it comes to tackling projects, preparing for visitors or simply having a place we actually enjoy spending time in. I realized clutter was affecting me emotionally and I did not want that for any of us.
This system has also provided a gateway to teach my child the importance of discipline and cleaning up after ourselves. We will have mornings of messy fun with paints, play doh or whatever activity, and we will also make a fun game out of cleaning everything. I would have learned this discipline earlier in life if I had processed it as something that is helpful and provides peace rather than something that has to get done to please others or when guests come over. In the end, we all benefit from clean, inviting spaces. This is just how I keep my house clean.
I hope these tips are helpful for you. We all have different schedules and priorities so you might need to adjust certain steps in a way that flows for you and your family. There are things that will take a few tries before finding the sweet spot but do not be discouraged. Nobody knows what your family needs better than you and if you are focused on implementing a process that will last, you will get there.
Good luck. You’ve got this!